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    & Conversion

  -Control Lines

New for Old


New for Old - Updating an Old Product

An old product, maybe nearing the end of its life, can be given a new lease of life with only a few pounds worth of components.

Taking the existing instrument and adding an extra small PCB, or designing a few new parts into an existing PCB could easily give the following features:

  • Micro control (good for the marketing headlines)
  • Data logging
  • Data transfer to a PC
  • Improved user controls
  • Improved display.

When the display and controls are already satisfactory, the addition of the microcontroller, storage and transfer to PC will usually add less than £10 to the build cost of the product. This assumes a suitable single-level DC supply is available for the microcontroller to use.

The parts used consume very little power, usually an insignificant amount when compared to the rest of the circuitry.

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